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New Awareness Network Inc., a publisher of the Seth books by Jane Roberts, in association with The Seth Educational Institute, offers weekly ongoing online Seth classes, Online Seth Courses, Seth Conferences and a live Seth class in New York City. Our conferences and courses are presented by outstanding educators including Rick Stack, a friend and student of Seth & Jane Roberts who personally attended over 100 Seth sessions in Jane Roberts' class in the 1970's.

Seth Books Seth Audio
Seth Courses Seth Conferences

New Awareness Network Inc., a publisher of the Seth books by Jane Roberts, in association with The Seth Educational Institute, offers weekly ongoing online Seth classes, Online Seth Courses, Seth Conferences and a live Seth class in New York City. Our conferences and courses are presented by outstanding educators including Rick Stack, a friend and student of Seth & Jane Roberts who personally attended over 100 Seth sessions in Jane Roberts' class in the 1970's.

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